Friday, June 02, 2006

Apocalypse Ir-rationale

One of the most content and stress-free times in my life was the two years I spent living in Santa Cruz while attending university. After hours of deliberation and mindless waving of divining rods, I have concluded that the reason for that was the infrequency of which I drove a car during that time. That town had buses that could take you anywhere.

I do not enjoy driving. I do not even enjoy coming along as a passenger while someone else is driving. My fervent wish is for each and every automobile in this world to simultaneously combust in a giant worldwide chain of de facto destruction. The only thing wrong with this scenario is that it nullifies the possibiity of a future where gangs of post-apocalyptic leather-clad humanfolk roam the deserts of the world in souped-up Dodge Chargers in a battle for control of the world's sparse remaining resources.


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